четверг, 31 октября 2013 г.

Joe's bio: Scarlett

Note: I know I didn't put new comic. I was busy in institute. Here I put biograhy of Scarlett from my fanfictions.

Name: Shana M. O'Hara.
Codename: Scarlett
Birthplace: Atlanta, Georgia
Age: 24
Specialty: Counter Intelligence.
Rank: E-8 Master Sergant
Primary MOS: Intelligence

Scarlett grown up with her parents, three older brothers and older sister. She started training martial arts at age 9 with her father and brothers, who were all instructors. She earned black belt at 15. Her father was paralised after autocrash. Scarlett couldn't continue her trainigs. Her mother forced her to work lawyer. But Scarlett moved into the military. She was the best, but boys always laughs at her. They called her Scarlett. Later she was moved into G.I. Joe.

Scarlett began to use crossbow and to date with Snake Eyes. She really good at her job. Scarlett knows a lot of computers and internet. She loves to train her skills and read books. She hates spiders (sometimes not), freaks, girls' stuff (because of her mother and sister) and Cobra. When men laugh at her, she proves them that she is a real soldier and tomboy girl.

The best moment in her life is meeting with Snake Eyes. Scarlett recognised that he hadn't laugh at her. They love to work together. Only Scarlett knows his a real name. When she's in a danger, Snake Eyes always saves her. Especcialy from Storm Shadow. Scarlett doesn't know that Snake Eyes is going to marry her.

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